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The Obscure Music Club

TOM CLUB @ Record Planet Fair, Utrecht – November 12th, 2016

  • By: Macca
  • Category: Live

Great weekend in Utrecht for a delegation of the The Obscure Music Club !

Macca & ZizAziz spent a fantastic day in the world’s biggest record fair held in Utrecht Jaarbeurs, the fair district of the nice dutch city.

On Friday, 11th we took a plane to Bruxelles, our headquarter for the weekend, and the Saturday morning we drove up to Utrecht in order to spend the whole day in our favourite activity: CRATES’ DIGGIN’!

The Record Planet fair took up two huge halls of the Utrecht fair district, more than 500 dealers participating, an auction zone in there, a big Prince’s memorabilia exhibit, artist’s meeting room, signatures service, turntable service, two live performances stages, refreshment & food zone, a pub and much more for your deep vinyl orgasmatic adventure!

The fair was so huge that we didn’t succeed in visiting all the dealers: there were the ones specialized in DiscoFunk, others specialized in Progressive Rock, others in Afrobeat and Sounds from the World, others in Italian Progressive (yes, there were also some Italian dealers in there), other stalls were exclusively for the Metal/Hard Rock fans, others for Rap/RnB and also the stalls with tons of records for 2 euros each where you could pour out your “obscure gem searching” starvation ! Also, there was a dealer specialized only in Picture Disc issues!!

Unfortunately a day like this quickly goes to the end: for the TOM Club's dudes about 90 records to be added in their collection!

Next dates: April 8 & 9, 2017 --- DON’T MISS IT ! For further infos click here

Here some pics took over there, and some of the records bought!