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The Obscure Music Club

The Shadows – Honourable Puff-Puff

  • By: Macca
  • Category: Sound

Here today with a great less-known gem by The Shadows, an english instrumental pop group who came to fame during the Sixties as the backing band of Cliff Richard.
The core members were Hank Marvin (lead guitar), Bruce Welch (rhythm guitar) and Brian Bennett (drums). And just on Mr. Bennet is focused the track we present to you: “Honourable Puff-Puff”, from their 1975’s release “Specs Appeal”.
In fact, the track is built around the wonderful drumming of Brian Bennett, made of technically perfect shots on the snare drum, a superb work on the cymbals, an hypnotic pressing pace on hi-hat and a space-flavored riff on the multi-tuned toms !
Also, the other track ‘s highlight is the pulsating bass line that makes all the tune very danceable.
Very noticeable is the basic but catchy chords of the guitar-magician Hank Marvin, acknowledged as one of the best guitarist in the UK.
In addition to his work with The Shadows, Mr. Bennet released severel solo albums, many for the UK television library (Bruton Music) and other jazz-oriented stuff.
He is also an orchestral conductor and runs an home recording studio called “Honeyhill Studios”.