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The Obscure Music Club

Stanley Donwood – The Sixth Radiohead

  • By: Alo
  • Category: Artworks

We can consider Stanley Donwood (his real name is Dan Rickwood) the hidden member of Radiohead, the one who give a visual form to the music of the band that probably more than every other represents our contemporary times.
Stan and Thom Yorke are friends since their college days and the first time that Thom asked Stanley to work for Radiohead was for the artwork cover of the 1994 single My Iron Lung; since than all releases from the band from Oxford (and even fromThom York solo works) were curated by Donwood who visualized in a brilliant and expressive way the music of the band and all the anxiety, paranoia and alienation of the so called "advanced" western society. From him we can even have great examples of digital video art as the Kid A blips and the recent visual app polyfauna.
In this gallery I will not show you the Radiohead's cover artworks which are famous all over the world but other works from Donwood, including some from the series "London views", "L.A.", "Bad Woods" and "Holloway", and also as additional content, a short video by Archie Ticktin where you can see the artist at work.