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The Obscure Music Club

Sandy Farina – Body Talk

  • By: zizAziz
  • Category: Movies

Well, when I was thinking about movies that better represent the 80s era, the first one that came to my mind was the movie The Toxic Avenger. Let me set some scenes.

We are in a fitness club in New Jersey arranged as a virtual cornucopia of tight bodies poured into thrusting leotards and full of hot chicks in bikinis, all accompanied by music of “Body Talk” by Sandy Farina that really gives off the Health Club vibes of the 1980s and gives the film an upbeat contrast to the disgusting events happening on screen!

Almost every movie Mr. Lloyd Kaufman directs has plentiful use of music because he understands the essential relationship between sound and image. “Use songs that fit your film, don’t just pick a track because you only like it” he used to say.

Due to the independent nature of the film and the low quality of the music, I don't think an official recording of the soundtrack be ever realized, anyway i've extracted, edited and remastered the Sandy Farina's track directly from the movie just for your fine ears!

"Body Talk" sounds just like Olivia Newton John’s “Physical” and like an actual Italo 80’s hit. Enjoy it!