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The Obscure Music Club

Loredana Bertè – Streaking

  • By: zizAziz
  • Category: Sounds

Streaking is the first album of singer Loredana Bertè, one of the most representative icon of the italian pop rock scene.
Published in 1974 on record label CGD, it is a concept album about the sexuality lived in a free and provocative way. The term "streaking" indicates the practice of naked exhibitionist to break in public events.

The idea of the project is to launch Loredana as a sexy singer and immediately triggers censorship by the RAI, not only for the dirty words and the homosexual arguments in some songs absolutely taboo for the time, but also and above all for photographs inside the LP, where Loredana appears naked.

Anyway the sound in Streaking, as well as the use of Loredana voice, make it a real obscure punk-rock album.
I chose 2 tracks that show the free creativity of this singer, not yet influenced by Italian pop culture of the 80s era, plus a special rework of the song “Ti Piacerebbe” by the Venetian producer Bottin. Enjoy!