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The Obscure Music Club

Get On Up: the Life of “Mr. Dynamite” James Brown

  • By: Macca
  • Category: Movies

“Get on Up” is a biopic about the life of the “Godfather of Soul” Mr. James Brown: for me, just pretty impossible to miss!
In the USA it was released on August, 2014 and in Italy on November, 2014, but, as usual, i had to work hard in finding a cinema which had that movie showed....f**k it off…
Anyway, the film directed by Tate Taylor is a good starting point to know better the life of Mr. Dynamite Brown, even though some critical aspects of his life has been completely ignored (drugs, women, prison...for example) or has been changed to be more “audience-friendly” and the whole story has been quite sweetened in order to be appreciated by a mass public…
I confess that my expectations on this movie were pretty high, so i get out the theatre not completely pleased and just a bit uptight: James Brown is a true music innovator, he deserved a more accurated biography, in my opinion.
In any case, in the video below i’ve placed an excerpt from one of the best scene of the movie: James Brown and his band are practicing some songs for they forthcoming performance, but Mr. Brown is not satisfied about the sound that  is coming out, so he clears up to the band that every single instrument should be take as a drum set, and, starting from his voice, every player has to follow the groove...nothing else! The performed song is "Cold Sweat".

After the excerpt i’ve added a great cut called “Give it Up or Turnit a Loose (Remix)” from the album “In the Jungle Groove”, originally released in 1986.
I discovered that remixed song just few months ago, listening to the radio during the nightime, and i went immediately crazy for it!! I was about to buy the record when i remind that some years ago my father gave me just a James Brown LP (the 2009 repress, to be honest): maybe, is the wanted track in it??? OH YEAH!! Just the remixed version i heard on the radio !! FUNKTASTIC!

And so, enjoy it, just ripped for you in this post!

See ya guys!