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The Obscure Music Club

Claudio Rocchi – Volo Magico n°1

  • By: Alo
  • Category: Sound


One night as many others I was reading a book lying on my bed. That book was “My tunes” by Maurizio Blatto, a tale in which are described in a personal and brilliant way those songs, according to the author, which are able to “change the world”, or in an easier way, those songs that everyone would bring on the classic desert island (equipped with a solar energy stereo, of course!).
Suddenly I came across the chapter dedicated to Volo Magico n°1 by Claudio Rocchi, with among others, the participation of a young Alberto Camerini at guitars. Claudio Rocchi was a great Italian songwriter, a landmark in the psychedelic and progressive rock scene, but he was also a poet, a filmmaker, an activist, a radio host in Italy and Nepal and even an Hindu monk! So, intrigued by reading and thanks to the simultaneus and lucky presence of a tablet by my side, I decide to “take off” and deal with the 18 minutes and 34 seconds of Volo Magico n°1… still lying in bed of course.
Than, before falling asleep, I realized that if there is a song able to change the world, maybe this is the one. Thank you Claudio.