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The Obscure Music Club

Biba – Hangin’ On

  • By: zizAziz
  • Category: Sound

It was around 2008 when I heard this song for the first time under the pseudonym of "Eden Rock", taken from a release of edits made by Alexis Le Tan for the French label Les edits du Golem.
And... i felt in love immediately with it. The sweet voice, the soft and groovy bass and the minimal synth-pop sounds, yeah... they drove me crazy! And it made me even more upset the fact of having no infos at all about the woman and the producer behind this beautiful track!

Now, after 7 years, i finally found it! Her name is Biba Karin Birgitta Wasserman, an obscure french singer producing synth pop / italo-disco music in the 80s. Here is the original track titled “Hanging’ On” and the b-side “Space Travel” … so, keep your seat belt fastened!