The aim of The Obscure Music Club is to share unconventional music, accurately researched through record stores, movies, travels and daily addiction. Our background is just one: passionate and endless love for music and everything that belong to it. We put our skills together to create this space called “obscure” in order to define all that kind of sounds that aren’t normally passed by radios, tv and other channels, or simply highlighting less famous tracks by well-known artists.

The lazy music and art lovers might find on this blog interesting sparks among all the genres, different cultures and ages.

Listen it out!


macca the obscure music club care, mate, you should know i’m a secret detective and i have only a great mission to accomplish: looking for the perfect beat.

And that’s not easy.
Through the past years (i’m working since 1982 on that goal) many people told me that the perfect beat does not exist, a lot of fucking traps were used to make my mission nearly impossible, every day the “System” fills up TVs, Radios, Web and all the media with terrible noise hazards for my ears…but my job still continues…without any breaks…’cause i know for sure that in some dusty vinyl’s groove i will hear at last the FUNKTASTIC PERFECT BEAT!

And now with this blog you can follow my infinite investigation…let’s join in!


DJ, music researcher and also economist, I’m really proud to show my musical culture in a new project called zizAziz.

It came up as mixture of two musical worlds, the electronic one and the acoustic one. But that’s not all: the basic idea is to mix different styles and cultures together, in a never-ending musical research, in order to bring to the people’s ears new obscure and unconventional sound textures.

Not coincidentally, in The Obscure Music Club blog i collect and publish those unusual and less-known records discovered in the darkest corners of the Planet Earth.

Hence, you better sit down and listen to an unexpected musical trip throughout the cultures and the grooves from all over the World!


Curiosity and amazement are my inner engine. The awareness that there is always great music hidden somewhere to discover made me join the obscure music club, extending the concept of sharing my favourite sounds; this is perhaps the best way to discover new musical lymph!!